Sanctuaries of Southern Poland

Day 1st

Your arrival to Kraków. Transfer from the airport and the first part of your  visit – the sanctuary in Krakow – Lagiewniki, famous for sister Faustina and her grave, then a visit to Shrine of Jesus. Dinner and first overnight stay at a hotel during your Poland tour.

Day 2nd

Breakfast, half-day guided tour of Krakow: the Main Market with St. Mary’ s Basilica and the historical trade pavilions of the Cloth Hall. Next, a guided walk along the Royal Route to Wawel Hill with its renaissance Royal Castle and Cathedral  -the seat of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, before he Krakow_Old Town Market and Cloth Hallbecame Pope Jahn Paul II). Dinner in the restaurant, an overnight stay at your hotel.

Day 3rd 

Breakfast. Departure to Ludzmierz for a  visit to the oldest catholic Parish and church (founded in the XIII-th century) in the Podhale region. The Sanctuary was visited by John Paul II in 1979 during his first pilgrimage to Poland as a Pope. Later this afternoon you depart to Zakopane. Your city tour includes a visit to the sanctuary of The God’s Mother of Fatima and the wooden Jaszczurówka Chapel. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel or regional pension.

Day 4th 

Breakfast. Morning departure to Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – the most important pilgrimage centre in the Malopolska Region. A walk along the Via Dolorosa, built in XVII-th century by Zebrzydowska Family and a visit at the Bernardine Church. Afternoon departure to Wadowice -the birthplace of Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) to visit his former home and parish church, where he was baptized. Ride to Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Visit to the former Nazi concentration camp, where St Maxymilian Kolbe and St Edith died. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel.Jasna Góra

Day 5th

Breakfast. Morning departure to Czestochowa. A whole day visit to Jasna Góra – Czestochowa monastery, the most important place for Polish Catholicism. The tour includes the Paulinian’s Hill, the Treasury and the Chapel with the famous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Afternoon transfer to Krakow or Warsaw for next part of your Poland travel or departure. Your Poland pilgrimage tour ends.

Tour date: 
any date – on your group request.

Tour prices: 

660 USD / person (group of min. 10 persons)
490 USD / person (group of min. 20 persons)
430 USD / person (group of min. 30 persons)
if you have a smaller or larger group send a request to get best price for you !

Price includes:
– transfers by a luxurious car, van or coach (depends on group’s size),
– accommodation at selected  hotels 3* and 4*,
– breakfasts and dinners as indicated in tour program,
– tour guide services,
– entries and local guides, where it’s obligatory with all necessary reservations,
– Vat and local taxes

Traces of Jewish culture

Tour program

Named after the king who invited Jews to Poland in the 14th century, Kazimierz became the flourishing centre of Jewish religion and culture. Due to the policy of religious tolerance that prevailed in Poland from the 15th century, Kazimierz became a safe haven for diverse groups of Jewish refugees from all over Europe. The tour aims to retrace this diversity which resulted in the construction of numerous synagogues (including the oldest of the preserved synagogues in Poland) and a very unique atmosphere which is still Remuh_synagogue in Krakowpresent there. Also, you might recognize some of the sights that appeared in the Oscar winning Schindler’s list which was shot in this area. The Jewish culture tour ends with a visit to the monument commemorating the victims of the former Nazi concentration camp in Plaszów.

Price: 50 USD / person

Price includes: English speaking guide, hotel pick up from selected hotels, admission to the Old Synagogue, Remuh Synagogue and Cemetery.

Departure time and places: all central located hotels in Krakow, ask us for the departure time from your hotel.

Additional info: tours organized daily, with a min 2 persons group.

All about Holocaust

Day 1st

Your plane arrives at the Cracow airport, where you will meet our guide. Later on you will be transferred to your hotel. Check-in at a hotel. Dinner and first overnight stay at a hotel during your Poland tour.

Day 2nd

AuschwitzBreakfast followed by the guided tour of Kazimierz district and Schindler factory tour. Free time in the afternoon and a dinner in a restaurant at The Old Town. Back to the hotel for an overnight stay.

Day 3rd

Breakfast followed by a trip to Auschwitz – Birkenau Museum, where you will visit the first part of the concentration camp, the Auschwitz Camp. Later on a lunch in a restaurant followed by a lecture and a 30-minute documentary film. Return to Cracow for a dinner in a restaurant and an overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 4th

Breakfast followed by a trip to the Birkenau part of the camp. Next you will have a lunch in a restaurant. Later on there will be a lecture held in the Camp’s Collections Department, after which you will be taken back to Krakow. Dinner or free time and an overnight at your hotel.

Day 5th

Breakfast followed by a tour of Krakow. Next, a lunch in a restaurant and a transfer to Krakow airport. Departure by a return flight or next part of yourauschitz-birkenau Poland tour. The Holocaust tours Poland end now.

Tour date: 
any date – on your group request.

Tour prices:
1070 USD / person (group of min. 2 persons)
740 USD / person (group of min. 4 persons)
670 USD / person (group of min. 6 persons)
– larger group’s prices on your request.

Price includes:
– transfers by a luxury bus, van or car,
– accommodation at hotels 3* and 4*,
– breakfasts and dinners as indicated in tour program,
– tour guide services,
– entries and local guides, where it’s obligatory with all necessary reservations.

Folk show and Polish style dinner

The event program

Enjoy your Polish style dinner  with an old traditional cuisine and exuberant dancing !This event resembles the village Polish wedding reception and dancers present folk dances. This coffee and patisserie house become famous for making the delicious cakes.

Don’t hesitate and come to see the best folk show in Krakow !

Price: 35 USD / person

Price includes: dance and music show, 2 courses dinner (drinks not included).

Meeting time: 07:00 p.m. at centrally located restaurant at the Old Town in Krakow.
(address confirmed on our voucher)

Event dates: Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays.

Nowa Huta tour

Tour program

Nowa Huta Tour gives you a unique chance to see the town built by communists after the Second World War, mainly to destroy aristocratic and intellectual character and traditions of Krakow, by erecting a huge “Lenin” Steelworks with its “healthy working class” neighborhood. The tour starts in Central Square, in the very heart of Nowa Huta, near which an enormous statue of the city’s patron, Lenin, used to stand for years. Afterwards, the tour continues to the Steelworks, now owned by the “Mittal Steel” Company. Its gates are closed for visitors, but we will be still able to admire its size and learn about its history. After that we will pay a visit to nowa_huta_plac_centralnythe Museum of Nowa Huta, which holds exhibitions dedicated to the history and tradition of the city. After that we will see the Nowa Huta Cross, which symbolizes the bloody fights for the establishment of a church in the town. Later we will visit “the Lord’s Ark Church”. The final stop of our tour is the Monument Commemorating the Site of Bogdan Wlosik’s Death, which is dedicated to all victims of Martial Law, imposed in Poland in 1981. Our journey into the past ends in a typical communist era bar, where over a glass of communist times booze you will find out more about the absurdities of life under the communist rule. The Nowa Huta tour lasts approx 4 hours.

Price: 65 USD / person

Price includes: English speaking guide, hotel pick up from selected hotels, admission to the museum, a drink in Stylowa Restaurant (Avenue of Roses).

Departure time and places: all central located hotels in Krakow, ask us for the departure time from your hotel.

Additional information: minimum number of participants – 2 persons.

Jewish heritage express tour

Day 1st

Your arrival to Warsaw airport. Next, a half-day tour of special “Jewish Warsaw” program: Nozyk synagogue, Ghetto, Rapaport, Umszlag Platz and the Old Cemetery. Dinner and an overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 2nd

Breakfast. Morning departure to Lublin and Majdanek. Short tour of the Jewish heritage: synagogue, Yesziwa;  next, your visit to the Museum in Majdanek – former German Nazi extermination camp during World War II. Afternoon departure to Krakow. Later this evening accommodation at a warsaw-ghetto-heroes-1hotel. Dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 3rd

Breakfast.  Departure to Auschwitz for your visit in Auschwitz – Birkenau. An extended guided tour with a local with a local Museum guide. Afternoon transfer to Krakow for a visit at  Kazimierz – the Jewish district. Later this day a possible visit to the Old Town of Krakow, famous for its unique atmosphere. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 4th

Breakfast. Transfer to an airport in Krakow or Warsaw for your return flight.

Tour date:
any date – on your request

Tour prices: 

1180 USD / person (group of min. 2 persons)
730 USD / person (group of min. 4 persons)
670 USD / person (group of min. 6 persons)
– larger group’s price on your request.

Tour price includes:
– transfers by a luxury bus, van or a car,
– accommodation at hotels 3* and 4*,
– breakfasts and dinners as indicated in tour program,
– tour guide services,
– entries and local guides, where it’s obligatory with all necessary reservations.

Auschwitz-Birkenau tour

Tour program

KL Auschwitz – in the years 1940-1945 – the biggest Nazi concentration and death camp in occupied Europe. Situated at a distance of 70 km from Krakow in the town of Oswiecim. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum (founded in 1947) was included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979. During the tour you will visit both parts of the Museum located in Oswiecim (KL Auschwitz I) and Brzezinka (KL Auschwitz-Birkeanu tourAuschwitz II Birkenau). You will also watch a documentary on the history of the KL Auschwitz concentration and death camp. The Auschwitz- Birkenau tour lasts approx. 5 hours

Price: 60 USD / person

Price includes: English or German speaking guide, hotel pick up from selected hotels, guided walk through Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, documentary screening.

Departure time and places: all central located hotels in Krakow, ask us for the departure time from your hotel.

Additional info: tour twice a day, offer directed mostly for adults.

Jewish history of Poland

Day 1st

Your arrival to Krakow. Transfer to a hotel. Dinner and first overnight stay at a hotel during your Poland tour.

Day 2nd

Breakfast. Departure for Lancut, where you can visit Potocki’s  gardens and a Synagogue. Next a drive to Lezajsk with an optional visit to an old Jewish Old_Jewish cemeterycemetery. Transfer to Lublin and a guided tour including Old Town. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 3rd

Breakfast. Departure for Warsaw with a stopover in Kazimierz Dolny. The sightseeing program includes: a visit in a local synagogue. In the afternoon you go on a guided tour of Warsaw: the Old Town with Royal Castle, Barbican and defense walls. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel in Warsaw.

Day 4th

Breakfast. Whole day dedicated to “Jewish Warsaw”: Nozyk synagogue, Ghetto, Rapaport, Umszlag Platz and the Old Cemetery. Dinner and an overnight stay at a hotel in Warsaw.

Day 5th

Breakfast. Departure for Krakow. Later this day a guided tour of Kazimierz – the Jewish district in Krakow. Dinner andan overnight stay.

Day 6th

Breakfast. Drive to Auschwitz and a guided tour of it. Next, transfer to Wieliczka Salt Mine – tour with a local guide. Dinner and an overnight stay at Auschwitzyour hotel in Krakow.

Day 7th

Breakfast. Guided tour of Krakow:  Wawel Hill with its famous cathedral and castle, and The Old Town. Afternoon transfer to the airport for your return flight or next part of your Poland travel. Your Jewish history of Poland tour ends.

Tour date: any date – on your group request.

Tour prices:
1980 USD / person (min 2 person group)
1290 USD / person (min 4 person group)
1130 USD / person (min 6 person group)
– larger group’s price on request.

Price includes:
– transfers by a luxury bus, van or car,
– accommodation at hotels 3* and 4*,
– breakfasts and dinners as indicated in tour program,
– tour guide services,
– entries and local guides, where it’s obligatory with all necessary reservations.

Wieliczka Salt Mine tour

Tour program

As you walk down the 360 steps into the salt mine, you get the impression of entering a vast underground city, complete with huge caverns and underground lakes. This underground world has earned a place on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list thanks to the creativity of the miners who carved chapels out of the walls, hundreds of metres below the surface. You will visit the wieliczka-1largest of the chapels dedicated to St Kinga, the patron saint of salt miners. This subterranean church is richly decorated with chandeliers, sculptures, and religious figures carved out of salt. As you follow the 2 1/2-kilometre walk, you’ll pass statues dating back to the 18th century depicting mythical, historical and religious figures. The last stop in the mine is the souvenir shop and a snack bar. From here, the lift carries you back to the surface. The Wieliczka tour lasts approx. 4 hours.

Price: 60 USD / person

Price includes: English  or German speaking guide, hotel pick up from selected hotels, admission to Wieliczka Salt Mine, guided walk through Wieliczka Salt Mine tour, lift pick up to the ground level on exit.

Departure time and places: all central located hotels in Krakow, ask us for the departure time from your hotel.

Additional info: tour twice a day, temperature 14 °C/57 °F of all year round.

Following Jewish traces in Poland

Day 1st

Your arrival to Warsaw. Next you go on a city tour with a local guide: Jewish Cemetery, The Warsaw Ghetto Memorial, Anielewicz’s Bunker, the Judenrat Building, Umschlagpltz and Nozyk Synagogue. Your tour ends at The Old Town, famous for its Castle, The Old Market Square and barbican. Dinner at restaurant and firts overnight stay at a hotel during your Poland tour.

Day 2nd

warsaw-ghetto-heroes-1Breakfast and morning transfer  to Tykocin, where you can see the Synagogue dated on middle of XVII-th century. Next, your drive to Treblinka to visit the place of German Nazi concentration camp built during II World War. Afternoon return drive to Warsaw for dinner and an overnight stay at your hotel.

Day 3rd

Breakfast. Morning departure for Kazimierz Dolny. Your visit includes: the Synagogue (dated on XVIII-th century), Jewish cemetery and the beautifully located Old Town. Next, your depart to Lublin for a sightseeing tour of the city: Yeshiva, the Old Synagogue. Afternoon visit to Majdanek – a former concentration camp during World War II, where 200.000 Jews were murdered. Transfer to your hotel for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 4th

Breakfast. Transfer to Lezajsk from which you go to Lancut for a walk in Potocki’s Garden and a visit to the Old Synagogue, which presents a large collection of Judaics. Afternoon drive to Tarnów for your visit to Jewish cemetery and relics of the Synagogue dated on XVII-th century. Dinner and overnight stay at your hotel.

Day 5th

Breakfast. Departure to  Krakow, where you start your visit at Kazimierz – former Jewish district. Your walk with a local guide includes the Old Synagogue, Remuh Synagogue with its cemetery and Old Market Square. Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 6th

Breakfast. Departure to Auschwitz – the former Nazi Camp during World War II. Your visit  includes two parts of the camp: Auschwitz and Birkenau, and may be enriched with a historic movie. Afternoon departure to  Lódz for a dinner and overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 7th

Breakfast. Your sightseeing tour with a local guide includes: the Old Town with former place of Jewish Ghetto, the Jewish cemetery (the biggest in auschitz-birkenauEurope with over 160.000 persons buried) and Poznanski’s residence. Diner  and an overnight stay at your hotel.

Day 8th

Breakfast. Departure to the airport for your return flight or next part of your Poland travel. Your Jewish traces in Poland tour ends.

Tour date: any date  – on your group request

Tour prices:
2180 USD / person (group of min 2 persons)
1420 USD / person (group of min 4 persons)
1230 USD / person (group of min 6 persons)
– larger group’s price on your reguest.

Price includes:
– transfers by luxury car or van,
– accommodation at hotels 3* and 4*,
– breakfasts and dinners as indicated in the tour program,
– tour guide service,
– entries and local guides where it’s obligatory with all necessary reservations.